Convert from English to Klingon. The Klingons are a fictional extraterrestrial humanoid warrior species in the science fiction franchise Star Trek. For the Star Trek: The Motion Picture(1979) the Klingons got a complete step up on the make up, effects and complete Klingon language. The Klingon language is the constructed language spoken by the Klingons in the Star Trek Universe. Described in the 1985 book The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand and deliberately designed to sound "alien", it has a number of typologically uncommon features. The language's basic sound, along with a few words, was first devised by actor James Doohan ("Scotty") and producer Jon Povill for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. That film marked the first time the language had been heard on screen. In all previous appearances, Klingons spoke in English. Klingon was subsequently developed by Okrand into a full-fledged language.

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